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How to get ranked the highest on Google

10 Feb, 2016

The answer is simple – effective keywords. Deciding the best keywords for your website are based on relevance, commercial intent and competitiveness which then must be included correctly in your website. 4M Designers aim to optimize the pages with your keyword so that you please both the visitors of your website and Google. The importance of keywords nowadays is nothing more than to tell Google that these are your keywords so that they can include them in their search results.

What is a keyword?
A keyword is generally a word or a topic of significance. Searchers use keywords to identify their topic or problem when they are surfing the web when they are looking for information. At 4M Designers, our team recognizes the importance of keywords and helps you manage and keep track of them. 4M Designers use the latest software so that you are provided with detailed information about which keywords should be used so you are ranked the highest. Our team also provides intelligent suggestions regarding the appropriate keywords.

Why do you need keywords?
Keywords form the foundation of your website. The topic of every page and your content should include the keyword or the keyword phrase as they are relevant when creating emails. They also help the visitors of your website know what your page is about and the purpose of your page. Visitors can simply scan the content of your page and recognize the keywords they were searching for. Also, when a search engine wants to index your page, it will help them identify what your website is about before including it in their search results.

Types of keywords
There are two different types of keywords, long tail keywords and broad keywords. Long tail keywords are applicable to your company or industry specifically, such as, Nike red running shoes. Broad keywords, however, are merely short phrases that may apply to your industry or they may apply to every company that operates in your industry. For example, magazines, shoes, loans etc.

It is more appropriate to use long tail keywords as they are easier to rank. They are also applied explicitly to your business alone, giving you little competition and are easy to get traffic for. Broad keywords however, are generally applicable to your business and give tough competition.

How often keywords should be used
It is most important to add your keyword in the title page. In addition to this, they must be used in at least 2 of these places on your website

  • URL
  • Body content
  • H1 Tag

…or at least 2 of any 5 of these places:

  • Site Navigation Link Text
  • Image Tag
  • Meta Description
  • In-Content Link Text

This, when done by our company, it is clear to Google what to rank your pages for. Even this is not done correctly; your website can still be ranked first in search results if your website has better content and higher quality back links than your competitors.
