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Selecting the best web design company

02 Jul, 2012

web design company

The importance of selecting the best web design company cannot be stressed enough. One wrong decision and bam! There go your chances of a successful web design project. Although you can rely on your in-house team but outsourcing works well too. So many decisions, so many questions... don’t worry, this article will help ease your confusions.

The first thing you need to do after you’re finished with the website’s research, refinement, crafting and brief, is to filter out the millions of web design companies out there. Obviously you can’t go through them all, so follow the criteria mentioned below and narrow down your options:

  • Mouth recommendation: Take it from somebody you know and respect. Talk to your suppliers or other business partners. Look into forums or mailing lists too.
  • Successful websites: Look at websites that you like or consider successful. Search for the web design agency that developed them. You can also call the website owner and get their opinion of the web design firm.

Now that you’ve shortlisted a considerable amount of web design companies, you need to send in the brief. Decide on the number of briefs sent by the size of project and time available. Don’t invite too many or too few.

"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.”

Refining your list

It’s now time to refine your list to a reasonable range of web design companies. The easiest and most obvious idea would be to go the company’s website and check them out. But hey, your challenge is to look beyond the superficial gloss meant to impress and not get seduced by alluring graphics and exciting animation. Instead, read between the lines! How do you do that? Just focus on the following questions:

  • Do they have capacity? Look at the information on the size and makeup of the company to decide whether it is right for you.
  • Do they have experience? Look for agencies with experience of working on similar projects or in the same sector.
  • Can they produce the right design style? The chosen agency must be able to design an interface which reflects your brand identity and appeals to your users.
  • Can they deliver your technical requirements? Look for examples that are comparable to your site and use similar technologies.

Send the brief to this definitive list of web design companies and expect agencies to call with various questions. You can also judge a web design company by the questions they ask and how thoroughly they went though and understood the brief.

Choosing the winner

Don’t be intimidated by taking the final decision. Just follow these three simple steps:

Now that you’ve learnt the process of selecting the top web design company out there for your website, get on it right now! Or a better idea would be to give 4M Designers a shot. They surely match all the criteria mentioned in the article and will fulfill all your expectations for the perfect web design project!

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