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Tricks to make your customer feel safe

28 Jan, 2014

Attracting viewers toward your website is easy. But how does one make them stay? Cheer leading and blowing trumpets will surely attract the crowd but the crowd is rather fast to make a decision about whether the show is worth their time or not. We have established so far that website viewers are impatient. Their judgment speed will be 10 times faster than that of an average viewer. Before one knows it, one can lose a potential client that could do incredible wonders for their business.

Come clean

One can start making their customers feel safe by first showing their authenticity. Earning their trust will go a long way in building further profitable business-client relationships. One would want their customers to be hooked onto a site for business and not look up any other site because they couldn’t trust its authenticity. It is essential that there is authentic contact information or correct and straightforward company details in the “About Us” section.

Telling them how good you are

Showing ratings and testimonials on the website will let customers know that they are not wasting their time and money on something lacking in quality. They need to know their money is being well spent on something worthy. Only then will they come back next time. A website should show testimonials of old potential clients happy with the services offered or should show ratings by the website visitors on the landing page.

Are you a robot?

When customers fill in their personal information, they need to know that their information will not be abused. Making sure that anyone who fills in their personal information is also a human will give an impression to the customers that their information will be carefully handled and not misused.


Keeping instructions crystal clear

Especially in case of ecommerce websites, it is essential that a website has complete payment steps or instructions. Vague or no payment steps will definitely scare off customers.

Simple Instructions

Show visual customizations to your customers

Keeping the viewers engaged to the product they will be buying and giving them a user experience of designing their own product would go a long way into stronger business client relationships.

Offering customer support and money back guarantee on the products

Furthermore, one should publicize their contact information, leaving no room for ambiguity. Customers should be able to reach a concerned business at all times. Offering valid money back guarantee and promises to fulfill any shortcomings will make customers feel safe. Of course the fact that one follows up on its promise should be evident.

Make online surfing fast

One way that surely scares off customers while making a purchase is when the website starts slowing down. These technical issues should be dealt with during website development. Also, stress should be placed on the aesthetics of the web design.

Offer reasonable choices and prices on your website

Offering long term price packages and various options of pricing packages will give customers the flexibility to decide if they would like to prolong their membership on a site or not. Remember, customers love to make their own decisions. Also, customers are big fans of discount and limited time special offers.

Pricing Table Example

Do your customers feel safe? 4M Designers will go all the way in their analysis and implementation of web design to make sure that they do. Trust us to make your business look legit and trustworthy.