Drive Fan Engagement

with your Facebook Photo Contest

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  • Photo Contest Facebook App

Facebook Photo Contest App

Bells and Whistles

Visitors are encouraged to compete against one another to win prizes, which drives their interest and engagement multiplies with viral growth.

Get more fans

facebook photo contest appWe understand the importance of increasing the fan count. Our facebook app entices new visitors to “Like” your Page before they can participate in your contest. This has the power to massively increase your fan count.

Gender targeting

Gender targetingOur gender targeting feature gives you control to connect with appropriate gender type. For instance, if your contest is for females only, you can simply “tick” female only and only females can participate in your contest.

Share management

share managementOur contest app has the ability to customize the image and message that gets posted to a user’s wall when they interact with the app.

Gather demographic data

Gather Demographic DataOur contest app collects the information of participants such as name, email, date of birth, and gender, which you can utilize for your future promotions.

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