Many important decisions are made about hiring a company or purchasing a certain product to solve your day to day business problems. Similarly, content on the web may solve or create problems. If you have the proper content and can publish it on the web, then your problems are solved. Problems arrive when you have the content but you can’t update it yourself.
Truthfully speaking, fresh content is the key to a successful web presence. And, the success comes in when you have the authority to update your website yourself without running back to your web design company every time you want to add or change the content.
Certainly not! You don’t need to be a professional web developer to update your site. It is as simple as working with Microsoft Word.
We at 4M have carried out extensive research and understand the ever growing needs of website owners. Based on the outcome of our research, we have cut down on unnecessary features and put together an intuitive web based content management system based on MVC architecture.
Using the system you can add pages in seconds, edit your existing pages on the fly, add web based forms, create users & assign role based permission to use the CMS. Furthermore the content is not limited to the copy you got for the page, but also includes media; like videos, high-resolution pictures, and documents.
If you don’t have CMS then you are totally stranded. You can write content all day long, but when it comes to publishing it – there are only two options:
Either of the two will cost you time and money! Don’t be afraid you can overcome this fear just by asking a web design company for the CMS.