It is necessary to obtain valuable information if you and your company are to get the best results from your website. This course will guide you on how to measure the site performance, set site goals, and follow the visitors to understand their behavior.
This will also how you how to craft a plan to develop the most dedicated metric, tools and online marketing improvement processes for your company.
This course is for those who have a fair amount of understanding about online marketing and have worked with or are eager to work and learn more about online marketing campaigns either as a manager of a web marketing team or as someone responsible for web analytics.
Marketing managers or agency account managers who needs to develop a plan to apply internet marketing to drive traffic to their websites are also best candidates for this course.
You will be able to elaborate on what web analytics and its importance is to colleagues, business ownersYou will also be able to present how web analytics could play a major role in understanding the visitors and adapt to the situations in the real-time environment.
Then, you will be able to devise a framework of the Key Performance Indicators that matter most to your business, and apply different analytical techniques to understand the online success or failure, bring more traffic, and increase conversion and retention.
You’ll gain a working knowledge of the tools, technologies and data sources to improve results from your website through analyzing site visitor characteristics and behaviour. You’ll know how to develop Key Performance Indicators, and how to create a comprehensive measurement framework for your company, including processes to ensure reports are analyzed and acted upon. Discover how to drive a conversion company program as well as how to use analytics to drive retention marketing strategies.