13 golden rules for developing a blooming business in Dubai
1. Be patient
Patience is the key to have your business up and running in Dubai. It will take its due time. Patience together with your financial ability to bear your business expenses in the long run is your key. It is not likely that you will enter Dubai business market and have fortune factory in a short time. It will take its due course. Hold tight!
2. Dubai ain’t no gold mine
When it comes to Dubai, it is perceived that setting up a business in Dubai is your instant solution for becoming rich. In this case, the bling could be deceptive. No denying, the beautiful beaches, gigantic malls and the aura of lushness make it an ideal living destination. But having a striving business in Dubai is ain’t no magic, you will have to work as hard and as much.
3. Land of sandstorms
Dubai is the land of sandstorms! When a sandstorm hits all business activity in Dubai is paused. There is no business on such days, no schools or offices, no flights. All you can do on such a day is relax!
4. Competition all around
Business market in Dubai rapidly caught up with its Western compititors. This fast-pace of development has attracted global businesses making the market highly competitive. Talented people with exceptional skills are coming here because everyone wants to benefit from what the market has to offer. So, one has to be open to new ideas to serve their client needs better.
5. Linguistic challenges
To make your business strive in Dubai you have to have a grasp on local language. Understanding Arabic can be very challenging. Arabic in itself is difficult to understand and the situation gets even more complicated, when it’s spoken by people with different dialects.
6. Business and friendship are relative in Dubai
Importance of friendship can never be denied, anywhere, or in any culture. In Arab countries, friendships are a little more important. We can say that business in Dubai and friendships are relative. You are more likely to get business if people like you. So, having a high number of friends will definitely help your business grow. In Dubai, more friends mean more business.
7. Extensive Decision making time
Every market has its own characteristics. A unique one here is long decision making time. So, no matter how quick your response was to a client’s query or a business proposal, we will suggest you to hold tight. It is normal here for your client to take months or even a year’s time to respond. Don’t lose hope!
8. Procurement vs. marketing
Another unique character of Dubai’s business market tis hat here it is the Procurement or Purchase department’s responsibility to hire the consultants for a particular job. However, the marketing budgets are made by the Marketing department in most companies across the globe. So, one has to clearly keep this difference in mind while quoting for a project. These differences require you to design your proposals accordingly.
9. Not getting paid is a Myth
The westerners for some reason believe that once you get a job done in Dubai, you won’t get paid for it. This is just a myth. A deal is respected here no matter where. We haven’t come across any instance of someone being denied of a due payment.
10. Go smart
In UAE The percentage of people using smartphones is the highest across the globe. It is estimated that 80% of country’s population is using a smart phone. Both Dubai and Abu Dhabi are aiming at becoming one of the smartest cities in the world in the coming 5 to 7 years. This presents a great opportunity that must be capitalized by a business. And we have the right set of web design solutions for your business in Dubai. It’s not just going smart that is considered a hot these days. Going green is trending in Dubai as well.
11. Saffron coffee it is
Never ever turn down an invitation for the traditional Arabic saffron coffee. This is not just a cup of coffee that is being offered to you, it is the feel of the local culture. And turning it down is rude. So, even if you don’t like it, it’s about time you attune yourself to the taste.
12. Streetwise
When you are trying to be on time for a meeting the rush of traffic and the taxis make commuting in Dubai very challenging. And to add to your worries some streets don’t even have names. So, it is our suggestion that you keep a two-hour margin amid meetings.
13. Design matters
When launching a business, put all your efforts on selecting the right business name, and then design a logo which appeals to your customer segments. Our web design dubai services are made to create lasting impressions on your customers.