04 Jul, 2010
The homepage is important because it is the single most visited page. It is an entrance path to your website, while some traffic will come from the side ways of your web site such as blog, newsletter etcetra. Your homepage will operate your business like a passage which should be kept clear and explicable. A clear-cut design of the homepage is the key in retaining the traffic to navigate more pages and getting back again and again.
It is important that your website engages the user like a good sales person. Consider yourself a sales person sitting next to a sales prospect. In order to make sales you’d need to introduce yourself very well. You’d have to tell them who you are, what you do, and how your product can help.
Now map the above example to the homepage of your website. Your site’s purpose should be immediately obvious from visiting the homepage. First time visitors should be able to understand who you are, what you do and how your products or services can help them. The user experience should be based on “don’t make me approach”, if you let them think more – they will fade away from your site and will not give it a second thought.
First and foremost you have to stick their eye balls to your site. This is usually done by using large typography or high quality product related pictures showing benefits of your products or services. If you have a competitive advantage over your competitors make sure you highlight that by including in the tagline or images.
Web presence is getting larger and more complicated, thanks to the search tool which is making work easier. Users become contented if they find their desired results easily in a short span and it can be done through the search box which is also becoming essential for every site. But hold, poor performing search box can be a source of annoyance and disappointment, so be confident that your search tool works fit. A good search tool goes beyond just bringing results – it gets the best possible results and if your search tool is incapable in carrying out the best results, your user will move a step ahead to another site that can get them what they want.
Active sites are appreciated by the users; it shows that the site is well-run and cared for, rather worked till the inauguration of the project. Blogging or newsletter posting will help in doing so.
Corporate Information like policies, business/investor information, contact details and other important information details should be there on your website, though they’re usually taken as not as much of importance to your actual web site users. Therefore, all corporate information should be gathered at one place keeping the main functions of the site separately.