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Why do you have a website?

11 Sep, 2012

It is not any special question but it is still not answered clearly by many. The response to this question is often vague and unfocussed. Here are a few common answers:

  • “Our competition have one”
  • “We need an online presence”
  • “Doesn’t everybody have a website these days?”

Better way to approach this question is to understand the benefits a website could bring to your business. “We have a website because, well, we have to” is a shortsighted view that is not going to take you anywhere, but let you have a web presence without any objectives behind.

We keep our office clean and well decorated, and we do this to put guests into comfortable position. In this instance, we have an objective attached which let us keep our office nice and tidy.

Now let us take it this way. When you were building a website, did you ever ask yourself that what are the objectives tied to it? It is simple when you create goals for yourself, you work out to reach them, but when you do not have any goal you will end up with nothing but sheer waste of time.

For instance, let us assume one of the goals of your website is to increase your annual turnover and objective of your website is to increase website traffic from 50% to 80%. Now, put your thinking hat on, and think ways you can achieve this objective. With this in place, you will be able to visualize ways to achieve it. For instance, launching a blog to increase website traffic and improving call to actions will help you achieve your objective.

Once you have goals to track, you can ultimately measure the performance of your website, and invest more time and energy into improving the weak areas of the website.

Already have a website but it is not providing any benefit to your business? Let us help you align your website that gets you business. 

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